
  The Landmark Resort is proud to be recognized by the Wisconsin Environmental Initiative with our Travel Green Wisconsin certification.

To earn certification, the Landmark Resort had to supply the Department of Tourism with a Baseline Environmental Performance Assessment. The baseline collects information about the amount of energy, fuel, water, and solid waste that the resort consumed during the last calendar year. Next, the resort had to commit to enough sustainable business practices found within the Travel Green Wisconsin checklist to accumulate 30 or more points.

These practices include:

  Communication and Education (Customers, Employees, Public)

  Waste Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling

  Energy Efficiency, Conservation, and Management

  Water Conservation and Wastewater Management

  Air Quality

  Wildlife and Landscape Conservation and Management



  Local Community Benefits

The Landmark Resort is proud to have upgraded all air conditioning with high-efficiency units that use less energy and provide greater comfort to guests. Pool pumps have been changed to energy-efficient models. Outdoor pools are all heated with electric heat pumps. All outdoor lighting was changed to LED. High-efficiency, low-flush toilets were installed throughout the resort that use only 1.28 gallons per flush. Electric vehicle charging stations are available in the main parking lot—three units are for a standard electric vehicle hook-up, and three more are for a Tesla hook-up. Housekeeping has been limited to an as-needed basis to eliminate waste and excess of energy. Recycling and other green initiatives are a big part of the Landmark Resort’s everyday operations.

The Landmark Resort supports the Care for Door County initiative.